
In the annals of American music history, few songs hold the power to captivate audiences across generations quite like “Big Bad John.” Released in 1961, this iconic ballad by the legendary Jimmy Dean continues to echo through the corridors of time, weaving a narrative that resonates with listeners to this day. As we delve into the depths of this timeless classic, let us uncover the tale behind the song, its profound impact on the music industry, and the enigmatic persona of the man who brought “Big Bad John” to life.

Did You Know?

  • Origins of “Big Bad John”: Penned by Jimmy Dean and Roy Acuff, “Big Bad John” emerged as a monumental success upon its release in 1961. The song narrates the tale of a mysterious and larger-than-life character named John, who works in a coal mine and ultimately sacrifices himself to save his fellow miners. With its evocative storytelling and catchy melody, “Big Bad John” quickly ascended the charts, securing the top spot on the Billboard Hot 100 and earning Dean a Grammy Award for Best Country & Western Recording.
  • Jimmy Dean: A Country Music Icon: Born in 1928 in Plainview, Texas, Jimmy Dean rose from humble beginnings to become one of the most revered figures in country music history. Prior to his musical endeavors, Dean found success as a television host and entrepreneur, notably founding the Jimmy Dean Sausage Company. However, it was his prowess as a singer-songwriter that solidified his legacy in the realm of music. Alongside “Big Bad John,” Dean delivered a string of hits throughout his career, including “PT-109” and “The First Thing Ev’ry Morning (And the Last Thing Ev’ry Night).”
  • Enduring Legacy: Despite the passage of time, “Big Bad John” remains a cornerstone of American popular culture, continuing to inspire artists and audiences alike. Its narrative depth, coupled with Dean’s distinctive baritone vocals, ensures its place in the pantheon of classic country music. From radio airwaves to digital playlists, the resonance of “Big Bad John” endures, a testament to its enduring relevance and timeless charm.


Lyrics: Big Bad John

(Big John)
(Big John)

Every morning at the mine you could see him arrive
He stood six-foot-six and weighed two-forty-five
King of broad at the shoulder at narrow at the hip
And everybody knew you didn’t give no lip to Big John

(Big John)
(Big John)
Big Bad John
(Big John)

Nobody seemed to know where John called home
He just drifted into town and stayed all alone
He didn’t say much a kind a quiet and shy
And if you spoke at all you just said “hi” to Big John

Somebody said he came from New Orleans
Where he got in a fight over a Cajun Queen
And a crashing blow from a huge right hand
Sent a Louisiana fellow to the promised land. Big John

(Big John)
(Big John)
Big Bad John
(Big John)

Then came the day at the bottom of the mine
When a timber cracked and the men started crying
Miners were praying and hearts beat fast
And everybody thought that they’d breathed their last ‘cept John

Through the dust and smoke of this man made hell
Walked a giant of a man that the miners knew well
Grabbed a sagging timber and gave out with a groan
And like a giant oak tree just stood there alone
Big John

(Big John)
(Big John)
Big Bad John
(Big John)

And with all of his strength he gave a mighty shove
Then a miner yelled out there’s a light up above
And twenty men scrambled from a would be grave
And now there’s only one left down there to save
Big John

With jacks and timbers they started back down
Then came that rumble way down in the ground
And smoke and gas belched out of that mine
Everybody knew it was the end of the line for Big John

(Big John)
(Big John)
Big Bad John
(Big John)

Now they never reopened that worthless pit
They just placed a marble stand in front of it
These few words are written on that stand
At the bottom of this mine lies a big, big man
Big John

(Big John)
(Big John)
Big Bad John
(Big John)…

By qwerty

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